Central Coast Council Events for Green Living & More

Central Coast Council Events for Green Living & More

If you haven’t checked out the council’s events, get on it! It’s the place to go for green living workshops on the Central Coast, as well as all sorts of other workshops and events. There are several free workshops, as well as some special not free ones. Plus, there are all sorts of events listed on there to suit your fancy and thrift level. (more…)

Why Can’t Shredded Paper Be Recycled?

Why Can’t Shredded Paper Be Recycled?

Don’t They Shred and Mulch it in the Process Anyway?

I often hear people wonder why shredded paper cannot be recycled. It’s still paper right? That is correct, but the question is not about whether or not shredded paper is recyclable, the question is about the factory process used by your local council. (more…)