How to revive a wilted carrot

How to revive a wilted carrot

It happens. We can’t all be so organised and container-stocked as to always keep our carrots ultra fresh. And the ‘crisper’ of the fridge doesn’t keep vegetables as crisp as the name suggests. So, how do you revive a wilted carrot? This simple vegetable reviver how-to is for those carrots that have seen better days. There’s no point wasting them or sending them to an early compost grave, because these vegetables can be revived with an easy little trick! (more…)

Thrifty Homegrown Fenugreek

Thrifty Homegrown Fenugreek

Recently Isaac has been researching tea blends, and one particular blend we wanted to try contained fenugreek leaves. With only a pinch left in my spice collection, we drank through those really quickly. So it was time to start growing it ourselves. And here’s how we ended up with thrifty homegrown fenugreek: (more…)

Tidy Tea makes No Waste of Re-purposed Candle Canisters

Tidy Tea makes No Waste of Re-purposed Candle Canisters

How to re-purpose candle canisters for tidy tea storage.

Materials: Emptied canisters from used candles, blackboard paint and chalk, tea.

Ah, tea! Sipping a hot homegrown herbal tea on a cold day is my bliss. I find it especially calming. Add a candle… even better. Whether you’re living life with too much still time, or not enough, these are simple pleasures that aid the enjoyment of time spent being still. So it seems perfect to pair up tea storage needs with the reusing of empty canisters or jars from used-up candles. (more…)

Build a Garden Trellis Like an Earth Mother!

Build a Garden Trellis Like an Earth Mother!

Supplies to build a garden trellis from collected and reused materials:

  • fallen sticks and branches from the neighbourhood &
  • cut lengths of old t-shirts/clothes.

Sometimes impatience is a good friend when it comes to solutions for the garden. (more…)

2-Minute Squeezable Homemade Toothpaste

2-Minute Squeezable Homemade Toothpaste

Twice a day we brush our teeth, so toothpaste is pretty quick to get through. Apart from all the worries you might have about what’s in your toothpaste, it’s also a shame that store-bought toothpaste comes in a tube that you can’t recycle or reuse (I have tried reusing one before…did not work out as nicely as I hoped!)

So maybe it’s time to try DIT toothpaste with this squeezable homemade toothpaste recipe. (more…)