First things first.

Council services with regard to Central Coast recycling are often changing. If we want these to be always improving, it makes sense to use the recycling services available to us and let council know which ones we like (by using these services or by writing to council).

So your first stop here on the Central Coast recycling tour is your local council website. These websites are loaded with information about recycling services in your local council area, as well as upcoming events or courses (most of which are FREE!! Yippee!)

So…here are your first invaluable resource stops:
For Gosford City Council:
For Wyong Shire Council:

I have to admit, I do miss my annual visit to the Flora Festival where I could visit the Council tents and do a little quiz to learn and remind myself what can go in that yellow bin…but no excuses, the information is all available on the council websites!
Happy Council Visiting!

(Image is taken from the map in the Yellow Pages)

P.S. Whenever we get a new Yellow Pages book, I love to reuse the map pages from the old one as gift wrapping. The other phone pages make great weed mat for a new garden bed.