How do you correctly dispose of household chemicals?

The best way for households is through the CleanOut program. Get to your FREE Household Chemical CleanOut hosted by your local council. Whether unwanted, out-of-date or leftover, you can dispose of your household chemicals through CleanOut. I know we’ve got some old paint tins waiting for careful disposal.


For us here on the Central Coast, a free chemical cleanout is on this weekend!

But ours aren’t listed on the EPA website. If you miss this one, you can keep an eye out for the next one in these places:


What can you take to your local Household Chemical CleanOut for safe disposal?

  • Solvents and household cleaners
  • Floor care products
  • Ammonia-based cleaners
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Poisons
  • Pool chemicals
  • Hobby chemicals
  • Motor fuels
  • Fluorescent globes and tubes
  • Acids and alkalis
  • Smoke detectors
  • Paint and paint-related products
  • Gas bottles
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Car and household batteries
  • Motor oils and cooking oils


How much can you take for disposal?

The CleanOut events are for household quantities. Up to a maximum 20 litres or 20 kilograms of a singular item, will be accepted.


What care should I take to transport my household chemicals to this CleanOut?

  • Transport your materials carefully and remain in your vehicle at the collection site
  • NEVER MIX CHEMICALS as this may produce dangerous reactions
  • Wherever possible keep all chemicals in their original containers
  • Ensure containers are clearly labelled and well sealed. If you do not know the contents, label the container ‘UNKNOWN CHEMICAL’
  • Liquid can leak during transport: wrap old or damaged containers holding liquids securely in newspaper, place in sturdy plastic bags and then in plastic buckets or trays
  • Keep household chemicals away from passengers e.g. in the boot


For more information visit


It’s important to dispose of these potentially hazardous chemicals correctly. If we don’t use these safe disposal services, these materials can cause harm to human health and the environment. So take advantage of this free service and keep these hazardous materials out of landfill and the waterways.

If you miss the CleanOut this weekend, make sure you don’t put these items in your red bin for general garbage collection.

Keep the items aside and look out for the next CleanOut event.