Want to where you can recycle plastic packaging that cannot simply be placed in the yellow bin?

REDcycle. For a while there, it seemed like landfill was the only option for the average household…but not anymore! We can now take our flexible plastics – rice and pasta bags, biscuit/cracker packets etc., to the nearest REDcycle collection point.

Update: There are now REDcycle collection points on the Central Coast – hooray!

Unfortunately, there is not a collection point on the Central Coast yet, but if you travel into Sydney, there are plenty of participating Coles stores you can use. We like to take ours to Hornsby because it’s the most convenient for us. But there are also collection points at Coles Berowra and Coles Asquith.

The best thing we can do is reduce this waste by making small changes to our purchasing habits, such as buying in bulk or buying groceries without packaging. But for the plastic packaging that still gets into our houses, it’s still better recycled than in landfill.

But when you end up with this plastic, don’t throw it out to go to landfill. Follow these links below to find out exactly what can and can’t be recycled through the REDcycle program:

What to REDcycle

Frequently Asked Questions