It happens. We can’t all be so organised and container-stocked as to always keep our carrots ultra fresh. And the ‘crisper’ of the fridge doesn’t keep vegetables as crisp as the name suggests. So, how do you revive a wilted carrot? This simple vegetable reviver how-to is for those carrots that have seen better days. There’s no point wasting them or sending them to an early compost grave, because these vegetables can be revived with an easy little trick!

Note: I’ve also used this same trick to revive wilting celery and softened beetroot too! So it’s not limited to carrots.

Reviving wilted carrots (or other vegetables):

1. Fully submerge your carrots in water. I’ve used a bowl before, but my favourite receptacle for this is a lidded container, because you can put the lid on, put it out out of the way into the fridge, and not worry about spilling the water.

Carrots fully submerged in water and visible through glass container

2. Leave for 24-48 hours.

3. Retrieve your revived carrots and enjoy that crispy crunch!

Firm revived carrots, ready for cutting and cooking